Bread Recipe

Bread RecipeBread is, as they say, in my blood. My Great-Grandfather was a bread baker and there’s a street named after him in the town where he had his bakery. My Grandfather and Dad continued the traditions, building successful local businesses along the way. I can’t help getting excited about baking bread from scratch and am sharing my favourite bread and dough recipes here with you.

Flour, water, yeast and salt. These four basic ingredients, along with some kneading and a bit of time are all that is required to create a delicious loaf of bread. Sourdough bread requires only flour, water and salt. It needs time…and lots of it…to create the unrivalled taste and texture it has become renowned for.

Armed with a good bread recipe, I can feel the excitement building (I’m a bit sad like that!) as I anticipate the smells, flavours and textures I will be tucking into once it’s baked. Freshly baked loaves never last long in our house!

From flat bread recipes such as pizza or wraps, to a simple freshly baked baguette. From sourdough and whole grain bread to nutritionally dense breads such as my easy walnut bread or comforting banana bread recipe. The only question left is where to begin!?

Walnut Bread Recipe

Walnut Bread Recipe


Hearty and wholesome, this nutritiously dense loaf is packed with wholemeal flour and chopped walnuts. There’s no kneading required (to retain the nutrients), just a very good stir!



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